Hello! Today a tutorial I wanted to do some time ago (I scanned phases in summer 2020!) but I totally forgot about it! But here it is - I hope you'll enjoy it!
So go get your pencils and some paper and let's draw this lovely robin. In this step-by-step tutorial you'll practice drawing feathers.
Media used:
Polychromos pencils:
Other media:
Kneadable eraser
Derwent Drawing Chinese White pencil
Strathmore Toned Gray, size more or less A4
So let's start drawing!
Step 1

Step 7
Let's take Dark Sepia pencil and sketch an outline. Measure the bird's head like on the scan and see that it fits four times in the whole bird's body. In this way our robin will be proportional.
We are starting creating layers on the head. You can put a piece of paper under your hand to prevent the drawing from smudging. Take grey shades and mark the beak, using also a lot of Derwent Chinese White. Then start coloring feathers with oranges. You can mark the darkest places first, using the darkest orange shade, then use light orange colors. Draw the eye with a black pencil, use also Derwent Chinese White.
Let's finish the head. Mark shaded parts by applying fine short strokes of dark grey pencil. Repeat the same action with orange feathers - use darkest color first. Take Derwent Chinese White and apply a couple of layers of pure white color on greyish feathers.
Continue the next step as described above.
Now it's time to draw the wing. Use Van Dyck Brown and Dark Sepia to create dark layers.
Step 6
Use Bistre to color the wing as shown on the scan. Now a difficult task - drawing small feathers on the robin's belly. Use dark and light greys, then apply a lot of Derwent Chinese White.
Step 7
Let's draw the tail with Van Dyck Brown, Dark Sepia and Bistre. Take Derwent Chinese White and lighten the feathers here and there.
With light and dark greys finish the belly. Use Derwent Chinese White to create light on the feathers.
Using Van Dyck Brown and Dark Sepia mark the claws. Use Derwent Chinese White here and there as shown on the picture.
Apply a layer of Dark Sepia on the branch. Remember that our light comes from the right side so mark it with white pencil.